A Guide to Testing in the Fenestration Industry

In the fenestration industry, ensuring the quality, performance, and safety of windows, doors, and related products is paramount. To achieve this, rigorous testing procedures are employed to evaluate various aspects such as security, durability, and functionality. This blog aims to explore different types of testing commonly performed in the fenestration industry, with a focus on Secured By Design certification, corrosion resistance, and cycle tests.

Secured By Design (SBD) Testing:

Secured By Design is an initiative in the UK that promotes crime prevention through the application of effective design principles. The SBD certification is highly regarded and signifies that a product has met specific security standards. Fenestration products, such as windows and doors, can undergo SBD testing to assess their resistance against forced entry, tampering, and intrusions.

SBD testing typically involves subjecting the fenestration product to rigorous physical attacks using tools like crowbars, screwdrivers, and hammers. The objective is to evaluate the product's ability to withstand common burglary methods. Products that pass the SBD testing requirements offer enhanced security and peace of mind to end-users.

Corrosion Resistance Testing:

Corrosion resistance is a critical consideration for fenestration products, particularly those exposed to harsh environments or coastal areas. Various materials, such as aluminum, steel, and hardware components, can be susceptible to corrosion over time. Therefore, testing for corrosion resistance is essential to ensure the long-term durability and performance of fenestration products.

Corrosion resistance testing involves subjecting the product to simulated environmental conditions that accelerate the corrosion process. These conditions may include exposure to salt spray, humidity, temperature variations, and corrosive chemicals. The fenestration product's resistance to corrosion is evaluated by assessing the extent of rusting, surface damage, and overall performance degradation.

Cycle Testing:

Cycle testing assesses the durability and long-term performance of fenestration products by subjecting them to repeated operational cycles. This type of testing is particularly relevant for windows and doors, as they are frequently opened and closed throughout their lifespan. The objective is to simulate real-world usage scenarios and evaluate the product's ability to withstand wear and tear.

During cycle testing, the fenestration product is subjected to thousands or even tens of thousands of opening and closing cycles. This test helps identify potential weaknesses in the hardware, frames, seals, and other components. The product's resistance to fatigue, deformation, and functional degradation is carefully monitored throughout the testing process.


Testing plays a vital role in the fenestration industry, ensuring that windows, doors, and related products meet stringent quality, security, and durability standards. The Secured By Design certification provides assurance of a product's resistance against forced entry, while corrosion resistance testing evaluates its ability to withstand harsh environments. Cycle testing, on the other hand, assesses the product's long-term durability and performance.

By subjecting fenestration products to these rigorous testing procedures, manufacturers can provide customers with reliable and high-quality products that meet their needs. Furthermore, these tests contribute to enhancing the overall safety, security, and performance of buildings and structures.

It is important for fenestration industry professionals to stay informed about the latest testing standards and requirements to ensure the continuous improvement and advancement of fenestration products. By prioritizing testing, manufacturers can instill confidence in their products and contribute to the overall growth and development of the industry.


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